Sunday, August 10, 2014

Toxic chemicals in the products we put on our skin everyday

So it seems I've been mislead. And you may have been as well. Greenwashing occurs when you see "Organic" or "natural" on a product. You assume that means all of the ingredients in it are. Wrong! Unless you read the entire label on a cream or makeup, you may have both "organic" AND toxic ingredients in your product. Just a few years ago I was not aware of just how bad putting these chemicals on our skin is. I haven't switched over everything I use yet, but am starting with the products I use on a daily basis...those that put me at greatest risk regularly. I want to thank Ava Anderson to opening my eyes. I believe in their products so much that I invite you to visit As you all know, I don't ever endorse specific products except here on the blog, after I have used them myself and my clients. Start slow...every change makes a difference!