Friday, October 16, 2009

How to make lipstick last

Exfoliate your lips: 1. You can use an exfoliating lip scrub or just a washcloth or toothbrush. Rub lightly to wipe away dead skin cells and improve circulation, but don’t irritate the sensitive skin or cause chafing.

Apply lip liner: 2. Apply a shade of lip liner that matches your lip color. First, go around the outer edge of your lip line (to make lips appear fuller) or just around the inner edge (to minimize large lips). Then, color both lips inside those lines.

Apply lipstick: 3. Apply your favorite lip color, starting from the center and working outward.

Blot: 4. Kiss a tissue. This removes any excess lipstick.

Reapply lipstick: 5. Many people skip this step, but it will make your lipstick last longer. Reapply lipstick carefully to add another layer of color.

Add powder: 6. Apply a thin layer of translucent face powder across your lips with a brush to lock in the lipstick. This creates staying power all day. Wipe off the extra powder with a tissue.

Add gloss for shine: 7. After you apply the powder, you can apply a lip gloss for added shine.